Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Advent happenings...

Sunday, Dec. 7 – Alt. worship gathering @ the home of Kurt & Lori Wilson
theme: ‘peace’
6 p.m. @ the Wilson home
1428 Bates St SE, Grand Rapids

* bring some finger food to share after our informal worship time.
* We’ll be participating in some ‘station’ kind of stuff/alt. worship.
* Party with Lighthouse Village & River Valley.
* Food provided – RSVP’’s will be requested.
* more details to come.

Tuesday night, Dec. 23 – ‘The Christ Child’
* Time still being decided @ Lighthouse Village’s new place on Plainfield near Leonard

* Tonight we will be gathering with Lighthouse Village, River Valley, and Water’s Edge, along with emergent west michigan friends.
* Lighthouse will lead the music.
* Interactive time with adults & kids

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Lectio Divina

Wednesday, November 26
lectio divina @ St. Mark's

Let the holidays begin! You've got shopping, you've got turkey, you've got football, you've got a crazy month ahead... take a short break and join us for a prayerful engagement with Scripture. We meet at 10:00 am, St. Mark's Episcopal (134 Division N), and are out the door no later than 11. Special this month, it's bring-your-child-to-lectio day. Same practice, featuring a kid-friendly reading and imaginative interaction with the text; we'll listen to God's voice together.

Questions? e-mail Lori Wilson @

Sunday, November 09, 2008


Doug Pagitt, Carla Barnhill, & Tim Condor will be joining emergent west michigan for a conversation this Tuesday night, Nov. 11
Tuesday night @ 7:30 p.m. until...
place: the cambridge house 600 monroe ave. n.w., grand rapids
--everyone welcome!

emergent west michigan facebook group

In constant pursuit of trying to find easier ways to communicate in multiple directions, the emergent west michigan facebook group has been created.

Not everyone has received an invite, but we encourage you to join it anyway. It's an open group for people interested in the ways of Jesus.

There will be NO gathering this Wednesday morning.

Founders as usual on Wednesday nights.

And a reflection on Peter Rollins visit last week...

Pete's visit to Grand Rapids has given me a bit to chew on.I was excited to meet this man. He seemed to combine a number of my interests - the church, the philosophy of deconstruction, and writing - in a way that I'm still trying to get a handle on. I had sent him an email, with no expectation of return, and indeed, I had not received a reply before the event. Which was of no matter; here would be a chance to approach him with my questions.

Unknowingly, I had put Pete on a pedestal, one that I'm not sure he himself would feel comfortable on top of. Little did I know just how deeply my mindset would be challenged through the events of this evening.The night was engaging and exciting. I never did approach Pete with my thoughts, although I thoroughly enjoyed the two parables that he shared with me and my table mates. Instead, I found myself interacting more with other members of the community, with Lori Wilson, with Kathy Buist, with the Parishes, just sharing thoughts and ideas, hopes, visions, and fears.

I had a number of good conversations that were challenging and edifying. And rather than being the base, Pete's presence seemed to be the icing on the cake, a wonderful treat that complimented a social coming-together that is already happening in Grand Rapids.I was happy spending a night like this with friends...

click to continue reading this reflection

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Pete Rollins in town...

Pete Rollins will be joining emergent west michigan for a conversation this Wednesday
Philosopher, theologian, author, co-ordinator of Ikon collective (Belfast) joins us for conversation on Wednesday.

We’ll hear stories of Ikon’s early days and discuss ideas and practices that help form “anarchic experiments in transformance art”.

Want to know more? Can’t wait till next week? Check out and, or “How [Not] to Speak of God” and “The Fidelity of Betrayal”.

Join us at the Urban Mill at 10:00am, questions in hand.

THEN... Wednesday night @ 7:30 p.m.
Parables @ the Pub (with Pete)
~ Pub 43 (downtown GR on Division south of Fulton)
--everyone welcome!