Advent happenings...
Sunday, Dec. 7 – Alt. worship gathering @ the home of Kurt & Lori Wilson
theme: ‘peace’
6 p.m. @ the Wilson home
1428 Bates St SE, Grand Rapids
* bring some finger food to share after our informal worship time.
* We’ll be participating in some ‘station’ kind of stuff/alt. worship.
* Party with Lighthouse Village & River Valley.
* Food provided – RSVP’’s will be requested.
* more details to come.
Tuesday night, Dec. 23 – ‘The Christ Child’
* Time still being decided @ Lighthouse Village’s new place on Plainfield near Leonard
* Tonight we will be gathering with Lighthouse Village, River Valley, and Water’s Edge, along with emergent west michigan friends.
* Lighthouse will lead the music.
* Interactive time with adults & kids
theme: ‘peace’
6 p.m. @ the Wilson home
1428 Bates St SE, Grand Rapids
* bring some finger food to share after our informal worship time.
* We’ll be participating in some ‘station’ kind of stuff/alt. worship.
* Party with Lighthouse Village & River Valley.
* Food provided – RSVP’’s will be requested.
* more details to come.
Tuesday night, Dec. 23 – ‘The Christ Child’
* Time still being decided @ Lighthouse Village’s new place on Plainfield near Leonard
* Tonight we will be gathering with Lighthouse Village, River Valley, and Water’s Edge, along with emergent west michigan friends.
* Lighthouse will lead the music.
* Interactive time with adults & kids