Friday, May 21, 2010

Subject: You are Invited!!! Growing our passion for God's world!

Subject: Invitation for this Sunday

This Sunday afternoon at 4:30 p.m. our small faith community in Hudsonville is hosting Rev. Nicta Lubaale of Kenya.

He is traveling from Kenya to present at a Bread for the World consultation and then visiting Grand Rapids for the weekend.

Rev. Lubaale has a long track record of working in the field of Holistic Mission in the context of OAIC, the Organization of African Instituted Churches. He works with member churches in recognizing the importance of linking their own actions with the policies of African governments and international agencies.

He is currently working on a program that utilizes the unique insights and resources of people at the margins of society.

Please join us as we spend time together on this Sunday evening. Feel free to arrive between 4:30-5:00 and bring guests.

For all the details see the link below:

Randy Buist
Kenya Matters
Board President