Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Oct. 15 event - dare yourself to be challenged?

B1Catalyst for Inclusion

A Space for Grace

Where faith and sexuality intersect


Westminster Presbyterian Church

47 Jefferson Ave SE Grand Rapids (click for map)


Thursday, October 15, 2009 from 7-9 PM (Registration and coffee begins at 6:30; program begins at 7:00)


A dialogue between LGBTQ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and questioning) and straight folks, in the context of our rich and varied faith experiences and our spiritual lives. This is an introductory session leading to opportunities for continued dialogue.


Listen thoughtfully to one another sharing about our beliefs and feelings. We will begin to build skills to communicate across identities, build relationships, and become more welcoming in our lives and communities.


Enter the church only at the southeast entrance off the parking lot on Jefferson Ave. Park just adjacent to this entrance. Doors open at 6:30 PM.


Please email us at to register or with questions.

Dialogue Convener:


B1: Catalyst for Inclusion (

How can we safely engage the challenging conversations?

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Karen Ward in Grand Rapids THIS weekend!!!

Karen Ward FRIDAY of THIS WEEK!!!

~ Friday Lunch @ Founders ~ 12 noon til 1:30 p.m. ~

To see more details and RSVP, follow the link below:
~ Saturday with Karen Ward ~ NOT TOO LATE!!!

The Episcopal Diocese of Western Michigan invites each of you (as well as your friends) to join the Rev. Karen Ward at St. Andrews Episcopal Church, Grand Rapids NE on Saturday 26 from 10am - 3pm.

Karen launched a faith community called Church of the Apostles (COTA or Apostles Church for short) several years ago, which aligns itself with various new-monastic communies popping up around the globe. Neo-monastc communities do not seperate from the world, rather believe their calling is to incarnatate faith, hope and love into their local contexts. Their worship is often sacramental, consisting of ancient practices that tend to stimulate and perpetuate their missional vocation in and for the sake of the world

Karen will be sharing her story, COTA's story and how ancient faith and practice can bring hope to the present "mainline church" struggle for identity.

Please read the following article from The Seattle Times for more information about COTA and register ASAP by responding to Anne Reed. Her information can be found on the forwarded email attachment below called "Missional Church conf invite.doc" (not the link) ...

Grace and Peace
Nate Dawson
REGISTRATION FORM MUST BE RECEIVED BY September 18, 2009. Send to Anne Reed, Diocese of Western Michigan, 535 S. Burdick St. Suite 1, Kalamazoo, MI, 49007; or e-mail to

NAME _____________________ Phone ____________ E-mail __________
(Phone and e-mail are needed for contact purposes in case of program changes)

Church __________________________________________

Town/City ________________________________________

Amount Enclosed (Cost is $12) _________

Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Doug Pagitt, Mike Stavlund, Karen Ward in Grand Rapids in September

Conversation with a heretic & friends - Thursday, Sept. 17, 7:30 p.m.
~Doug Pagitt & Mike Stavlund~

I couldn't help myself with that title since Doug has been labeled such over the past year. Still, he is a good friend, follower of Jesus, and passionate about the kingdom regardless of what others write or say. For those of you who don't know Doug, he can be found all over the web... google.
Mike Stavlund is from the D.C. area. He has helped start several churches; he's an active voice around emergent village, and he is an accomplished writer as well as an amazing father of two great little girls. His blog can be found at
Take some munchies and drink if you are inclined. Otherwise, it will be provided. Our family is honored to call these two great guys our friends. Please join us for the night.

Randy & Kathy Buist, 3275 Bauer Road,Jenison MI 49428 for questions

~Sept. 25th event [friday] with Karen Ward
Lunch with Karen.
Noon till 1:30 p.m.
Location: TBA
Bring $5 to help offset her costs for the weekend.
Put the date on your calendar, and you'll see more information in the future.

~Sept. 26th event [saturday] with Karen Ward

Dear Friends

The Episcopal Diocese of Western Michigan invites each of you (as well as your friends) to join the Rev. Karen Ward at St. Andrews Episcopal Church, Grand Rapids NE on Saturday 26 from 10am - 3pm.

Karen launched a faith community called Church of the Apostles (COTA or Apostles Church for short) several years ago, which aligns itself with various new-monastic communies popping up around the globe. Neo-monastc communities do not seperate from the world, rather believe their calling is to incarnatate faith, hope and love into their local contexts. Their worship is often sacramental, consisting of ancient practices that tend to stimulate and perpetuate their missional vocation in and for the sake of the world

Karen will be sharing her story, COTA's story and how ancient faith and practice can bring hope to the present "mainline church" struggle for identity.

Please read the following article from The Seattle Times for more information about COTA and register ASAP by responding to Anne Reed. Her information can be found on the forwarded email attachment below called "Missional Church conf invite.doc" (not the link) ...

Grace and Peace

Nate Dawson


The Missional Church: Forming Communities of Faith, Reaching Out


September 26, 2009

10 a.m. to 3 p.m.

St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church

1025 Three Mile Rd. Grand Rapids

Registration begins at 9.30; Pre-registration required

Cost - $12 per person (incl. lunch)


REGISTRATION FORM MUST BE RECEIVED BY September 18, 2009. Send to Anne Reed, Diocese of Western Michigan, 535 S. Burdick St. Suite 1, Kalamazoo, MI, 49007; or e-mail to

NAME _____________________ Phone ____________ E-mail __________

(Phone and e-mail are needed for contact purposes in case of program changes)

Church __________________________________________

Town/City ________________________________________

Amount Enclosed (Cost is $12) _________