Friday, March 20, 2009

the next seven days in G.R.

Kenya Matters wine tasting event on Friday night, March 20 @ 7 p.m., downtown G.R.~ a night of wine tasting, learning about Kenya Matters, and good music! Ralston Bowles will be playing for us!**get your tickets at[tickets also available at the door ]


Wednesday, March 25 @ 10 a.m. - Lectio @ St. Marks. Find time to listen to the Spirit during Lent.


Thursday, March 26 @ 7 p.m. - Calvin Seminary Chapel 'why we know more than emergents' with two guys who think they should be emergent (not sure why they should be) but are not...

Monday, March 09, 2009


~ Conversation Wednesday this week ~

wednesday morning @ 10:30 a.m. ~March 11
the urban mill on michigan avenue ~just east of College on the north side of the road

conversation leader: Joy Prior of Franklin Farm

Franklin Farm is a developing intentional community in an urban neighborhood of Grand Rapids. The residents/members, seek to joyfully care for one another, love the neighborhood and the neighbors, and share resources in order to live more sustainably. Our first project together, beyond getting to know one another, will be transforming the adjoining yards into a shared, food producing garden.


Wine tasting & fundraising event!

The best of two great things. A number of us involved with e.w.m. are also involved with a local non-profit - Kenya Matters. We want you to join us on Friday night, March 20th for a great night of wine tasting, learning more about Kenya Matters, and a bit of fundraising. Please join us!

To learn more and to purchase tickets, please see


... Encouraging you to join the 'emergent west michigan' facebook group...

* Since facebook is an amazingly efficient means of transmitting information and invitations, join those of us who have already migrated to the facebook page.

click here to find us on facebook


Wednesday, March 25th ~ Lectio Divina ~ @ St. Marks ~ 10 a.m.

If you have never experienced lectio, consider taking 40 mintues of your day to focus on the biblical text with a group of people who are following Jesus.

It's not a difficult practice; it won't make you uncomfortable. Our time together will simply center you on the biblical text.

~ When you arrive at the gate, push the speaker button and let the receptionist know that you are with the emergent west michigan people. She'll gladly let you into the parking lot.

St. Marks is located at 134 Division Ave N, Grand Rapids, MI 49503. You should join us; it is one of the oldest public buildings in Grand Rapids, and it is absolutely beautiful.