Monday, October 23, 2006

Update info... happenings.

Conversation Wednesday - november 8 @ 10:30 a.m.

topic... a conversation around "The Secret Message of Jesus" by Brian McLaren.


IF you have yet to find the online monthly Next-Wave, here is the most recent e-mail with links.

Dear Friends and Readers of Next-Wave:

Michael Spencer's cover story: Suggestions for Critics of the Emerging Church leads off the inaugural issue by Next-Wave's new editor Bob Hyatt

You can find the article here...
Stroll through the Table of Contents here...
Please take advantage of our comments feature to add your input to the articles...

Charlie Wear, Publisher


Ralston Bowles, a popular musician in the West Michigan area and beyond, had a new song on the net. You can listen to it free here:

Ralston can occasionally be seen dropping by for 'conversation wednesday.' A social advocate, engaging thinker and songwriter, find out more about Ralston:


Slam Poetry for the creative thinkers -- Came across the following recently... and then check out the "Performance Poetry" link.

An interesting 'prayer' by Lisa Buscani in the 'performance poetry section. It is found in the January archive.
Free to download here. (Gives you a glimpse into a searching spiritual being desireing to recognize God.)


For those who are increasingly called to be caretakers of God's earth, a thoughtulf article on conserving...


Monday, October 09, 2006

Conversation Wednesday - october 11 @ 10:30 a.m.

topic... A new way to be human: considering dualism & Christian materialism (what does it mean to be human?)

Kevin J. Corcoran, Professor of Philosophy at Calvin College will be leading us in conversation this month!