Monday, March 20, 2006

this week and beyond...

This week lots of things to pass along... including rethinking tuesdays and Donald Miller...

“rethinking tuesday” march 21 at 7 p.m.
topic: “Rethinking eternal punishment (or) what the Hell is going on?”

In most evangelical statements of faith, one of the last statements includes a statement that says something like: “We believe in the everlasting blessedness of the righteous and the eternal conscious punishment of the wicked.” Does the Bible clearly teach this doctrine – or are there other Biblical options?

Most importantly, how does this doctrine affect how we do church? If ‘eternal conscious punishment’ were to be seriously questioned, what might be lost? What might be gained?

Please RSVP We want to be sure we have enough seating at the Black Rose.

the black rose
100 Ionia Ave SW, Grand Rapids, MI
(616) 456-7673

Donald Miller will be at Cornerstone and GRTS this week Tuesday & Wednesday.

March 21 and Wed., March 22 – 9 AM in the Bernice Hansen Center (gym); 5 PM in the Matthews Auditorium (at the Grand Rapids Theological Seminary) Both days, both places. You are invited. (free)

Nicholas Wolterstorff will be at Western Seminary (Holland) in the Mulder Chapel this week Tuesday & Wednesday. March 21 at 11 a.m. & 2 p.m., March 22 at 10 a.m. (free)

Topic: Love and Justice

Friday, April 7 is our second...
"seeking friday"

Time & space to quiet ourselves. We gather simply for prayer for our city, world, and each other. First Friday of each month. 9am-10am. Please consider joining us!

St. Mark's Episcopal Church134 North Division AvenueGrand Rapids, MI 49503-3173phone - (616)456-1684

conversation tuesday - April 12
10:30am - Noon
David Livermore of GRTS will be presenting at our April gathering.

topic: Is Short-Term Missions really Missional?
(Just because we can go anywhere... should we?)

the bite
151 Ottawa Ave NW
Grand Rapids, MI
(616) 451-8000


A couple of great web resources:

The March issue of Next-Wave is online:
Mark Riddle, co-creator of ewm, and Brad Nelson of Mars Hill both have articles in this issue.
Both articles are worthy of your time.

Allelon has published new information and several new articles on their site as well.

An invitation...
Andre Daley has invited us to experience the labyrinth at the Mosaic Life space during Holy week.

It will be open Monay thru Friday, 11 a.m.-1 p.m. / 5-7 p.m.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006


“rethinking tuesday”
Our next gathering will be tuesday night, march 21!
topic: “Rethinking eternal punishment (or) what the Hell is going on?”

In most evangelical statements of faith, one of the last statements includes a statement that says something like: “We believe in the everlasting blessedness of the righteous and the eternal conscious punishment of the wicked.” Does the Bible clearly teach this doctrine – or are there other Biblical options?

Most importantly, how does this doctrine affect how we do church? If ‘eternal conscious punishment’ were to be seriously questioned, what might be lost? What might be gained?

Please RSVP by clicking on the 'rsvp rethinking tuesday' to the right of this post! We want to have an accurate count to give the Black Rose for seating arrangements.

for thougts from the most recent rethinking tuesday, see:

the black rose
100 Ionia Ave SW, Grand Rapids, MI
(616) 456-7673

Friday, April 7 is our second...
"seeking friday"

Time & space to quiet ourselves. We gather simply for prayer for our city, world, and each other. First Friday of each month. 9am-10am.

YOU ARE INVITED! Look for Troy Hatfield, the bald guy!

For more thoughts on our intentions, see Steve Argue's thoughts:

St. Mark's Episcopal Church134 North Division Avenue
Grand Rapids, MI 49503-3173phone - (616)456-1684