September info... (like the title?)
Conversation Wednesday - september 13 @ 10:30 a.m.
topic: Men & Women in Leadership in the church
This is a potential two part morning.
First: Dr. Sarah Sumner will be addressing the topic, "Men & Women in Leadership." She will be speaking at Cornerstone University from 9-9:45 a.m. on Wednesday morning. Dr. Sumner is Professor of Theology and Ministry at Azusa Pacific University, California.
Second: Christine Mutch, Director of Discipleship and Worship at Cornerstone, will be facilitating a conversation around the same topic @ the bite, 10:30 a.m.
rethinking tuesday - september 19 @ 7 p.m.
Developing a Biblical Imagination
An open table discussion of the need for churches to nurture and employ a biblical imagination, and how that is being addressed where you are.
We’ll be evaluating what is currently shaping people’s hopes and dreams where we are, how we might still need to be converted, and what is at stake if churches and Christians lose the skills and resources of biblical imagination.
Please RSVP by clicking here.
"seeking friday" - october 6, 9 a.m. @ St. Mark's
Time & space to quiet ourselves. We gather simply for prayer for our city, world, and each
other. 1st Friday of each month from 9 - 10 a.m.
Parking: Drive to the gate just north of St. Marks. Honk your horn (kindly), and the receptionist should open the gate. (no promises) See you there!
Conversation Wednesday - future months... so mark your calendars now!
October 2006 - Kevin Corcoran of the Calvin College Philosphy department will be joining us. Kevin has been previoulsy involved with the emergent west michigan network. More detailis to follow...
November 2006 - Book Discussion– The Secret Message of Jesus, by Brian McLaren. SO, START READING!Do you want to help facilitate this discussion? Please drop me an e-mail.
Fall Opportunities...
What is the Gospel? -- Sept. 25 @ GRTS
On Monday, September 25, GRTS will host, What is the Gospel?, a Talking Points event focusing on the content and application of the gospel.
Multiple conversation have been taking place that explore the content of the gospel. While some defending that the gospel is primarily salvation from sin, others are arguing that the gospel is primarily about right behavior. The purpose of this Talking Points, What is the Gospel?, is to explore the biblical and missional nature of the gospel and our responsibility to live out God’s good news.
Steve Argue also has a post regarding this opportunity; Steve and I hope to have you join us for the day!
A Seat At The Table... Oct. 1-3
Emerging Women’s Voices – an East Coast Gathering. October 1-3, 2006. Sandcastle Oceanfront Resort, Virginia Beach, Virginia.
We hope to facilitate discussions directly related to women, encouraging them to boldly emerge as leaders in this 21st Century. The conversations are inclusive of a diversity of leadership styles and opportunities. All women will have a voice at the table to dialogue, to learn, and to advance our journeys of Christian spiritual formation.
Together we will explore the metaphor of tables: picnic tables, card tables, boardroom tables, kitchen tables, pottery tables, coffee tables, banquet tables, the Communion Table, changing tables, Tiki bar tables, even multiplication tables! A variety of hosts and guests will weave our conversations and questions, our hopes and dreams, our stories and struggles, our theology and experiences, together with the Biblical narrative as we enjoy the presence of the Lord in and among us.
Read more about this conference here.
The Gathering --- October 9-12, 2006. Glorieta, New Mexico
Glorieta Conference Center – Santa Fe, New Mexico
A Gathering of those pursuing advanced conversations and deepening relationships within Emergent.
This Gathering is not a “conference” of experts presenting to the waiting masses, rather it is a dialog among those involved with Emergent. Emergent seeks to be a generative friendship that creates spaces and places of new interactions, new hopes, new thinking, and new ways of living in the world.
Feel and Format:
This event is not best compared to a “conference”, but rather it best to think of it as a blend of a family reunion, art festival, and “senior seminar”. There will be relational connections, creativity and sharing of ideas.
The Gathering is created by and for the participants. A small group of people have worked to create an atmosphere and structure in which those involved can make the event work. By participating in the Gathering, you are committing not only to attend but also to contribute to the event. So by coming you will not only be asked to receive, but to contribute (this may include sharing ideas, helping with a meal, giving someone a ride, setting up a room, etc.).
Read more here...
The Gospel & Our Culture Network -- Oct. 19-21
GOCN Conference 2006
Congregations wanting to make their way toward an increasingly missional identity are looking for a way to take stock of their present life and witness against the backdrop of a biblical theological vision. They yearn for ways to understand God's unique calling in their particular context.The conference will provide pastors, ministers, academics, judicatory staff, and consultants with tools for congregations to take stock of their missional patterns by:
Equipping those who serve congregations on their missional journeys.
Exploring the use of Discovery Tools for Congregations across a variety of settings.
Nourishing the conversation between theology and the social sciences.
Renewing and stimulating a missional vision. more here...
You Say You Want a REVOLUTION - Nov. 3 & 4
Get answers to These Questions:
What does a new kind of Christian DO?
Why do we need a Revolution?
What does a revolution it look like in my church / community?
What about the poor?
What about the marginalized and powerless?
What role do women have in this movement?
What do young leaders need to know to avoid the mistakes of their elders?
Meet Today’s Best Known and Least Known Leaders
Brian McLaren - elder statesman of the emerging church movementGeorge Barna - leading authority on the state of the church in America Nancy Murphy - advocate for the poor / international authority on human trafficking Sunil Sardar - leader of the Social Spirituality movement in India Christine Wicker - author, journalist and ex Christian fundamentalist
more info on these speakers here