Tuesday, July 11, 2006

July & August happenings and beyond...

Conversation Wednesday - july 12 @ 10:30 a.m.

topic: Ministry is Dangerous -
John Frye is our speaker & facilitator for the morning.

Discussing: How to walk carefully and carry a soft heart in pastoral ministry (even when generational gaps exist among staff).

For those of you who do not know John, he was the senior pastor at Bella Vista church in the Rockford area for more than twenty years. During that time Bella Vista was on the cutting edge of church ministry. Yet, last year John sensed a deep desire and need to leave a position where he could have 'motored on' into retirement. If you have not yet met John and his wisdom, I believe you are missing one of the most thoughtful, wise, and passionate Jesus followers in the entire area. Regardless of your age, treat yourself to 90 minutes with John Frye.

the bite
151 Ottawa Ave NW
Grand Rapids, MI
(616) 451-8000


rethinking tuesday - july 18 @ 7 p.m.

A discussion led by a panel of resident West Michigan theologians. As always, we anticiapte your input as well. More details to follow.

Be sure to RSVP by clicking here.

the black rose
100 Ionia Ave SW, Grand Rapids, MI
(616) 456-7673

Conversation Wednesday - future months... so mark your calendars now!

August 2006
David Myers asks: “What questions must our Jesus-following community answer regarding sexual orientation?” David is co-author of "What God has joined together."

September 2006
Randall Jelks will be addressing issues of racism, diversity, and the church in West Michigan. More details to follow...

Randall Jelks is an Associate Professor in History at Calvin College and the Director of Academic Multicultural Affairs.

October 2006
Kevin Corcoran of the Calvin College Philosphy department will be joining us. Kevin has been previoulsy involved with the emergent west michigan network. More detailis to follow...

November 2006
Book Discussion– The Secret Message of Jesus, by Brian McLaren. SO, START READING!Steve Argue will facilitate this discussion.

Saturday, July 01, 2006

So, now what?

Over the past ten or so years I've been struggling with how to talk about homosexuality while also being a relatively conservative protestant Christian. For me, this journey hasn't been about forming a position, but it's entirely about how to be biblical... how to live into the reality that Jesus calls us.

Even if/when we come to a position, we also need to consider how we go forward with the position we hold if we are to live into the reality of the kingdom of God.

Last week this article found me... it's worth your read, and it may challenge your thinking a bit...
Comments here would be GREAT!